Where Have I Been & What Have I Read?

Where Have I Been & What Have I Read?

Long time no post eh? What has it been? About two months I think, yikes!

Obviously if you’ve noticed that I haven’t been posting these past two months you were probably wondering if I just ditched the whole blogging thing or if I was just taking a break and at first I was just a bit overwhelmed by the start of school and my heavy semester but then school didn’t really calm down at all and it turned into a two month leave.

Finally just now school is starting to lighten up a bit, this is the first weekend in like two months where I haven’t been booked or drowning in homework and projects, so while reading last night I though, hey, might as while get in the swing of blogging again.

Not blogging these past two months was a nice little break but I did miss it, I had no one to tell my bookish thoughts and opinions to!!! But sadly I was in a big reading slump all through September and I’m just getting out of it now, at the end of October. That’s another factor that didn’t get me motivated to blog while I was gone, I hardly had any books to talk about!

I have still been buying books though, of course, because I cannot help myself, but not as many as normal which is good. A few I’ve got in the last few weeks are Salt To The Sea, Milk & Honey, Fairest and many more.

In September I read:

Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies (Pottermore Presents #1) by J.K. Rowling

Short Stories From Hogwarts of Power, Politics and Pesky Poltergeists (Pottermore Presents #2) by J.K. Rowling

Hogwarts: An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide (Pottermore Presents #3) by J.K. Rowling

and I read those all on the day they came out, which was my first day of school, after I got home so inevitably it was the only day where I had no homework this whole year so far.

I’ve read (only) three books again this month so far, but I think I might finish another before the month is up so I won’t tell you my reads quite yet, I’ll save it for my October Wrap Up. I have fallen behind in my goodreads goal which I’m really bummed about because I made sure to get ahead in the summer, but lost it when my slump came. I have to read 13 books by the end of the year (2 months) which is possible, and if this slump disappears I’ll definitely get to it but it’s not ideal. Let’s hope I do it!

A few life update sort of things I’ll share, I am still obsessed with Hamilton of course hahaha, how could I not be, but I’ve also got into Waitress (another Broadway musical, for those who don’t know) a lot recently and I love it and I’m also still loving Wicked, because who doesn’t love Wicked? It’s such a classic.

Also, while I was gone I actually hit 400 WordPress followers on here which is crazily awesome that people were still reading my blog and leaving comments even though I wasn’t active, so welcome to anyone who’s new, thanks for stopping by, I hope you love the posts I have coming your way!

So yep, that’s where I disappeared to these past months. I don’t know how consistent my posting from here on out will be in the next two weeks or so while I’m getting into the swing of things and balancing school, blogging, reading, dance and hanging out with friends, but I’ll definitely aim for two post at the least per week, and since I have a free day all today I’m going to spend it finishing my math homework, reading and prewriting posts so if I am ever stressed from school I can just click post and have something up and not leave you guys hanging like that again!

Before I go, how have you’re past two months been? Have you read any amazing books? Let me know in a comment. I’d love to hear about it!