I know that follower count doesn’t matter, and that I blog because I enjoy it, not because I want people to follow me, but how could I not acknowledge the fact that I hit 600 wordpress followers!

Thank you so much! 🎉 ❤️ 

I truly love blogging. Thinking up post ideas, writing them and sharing them with you is so fun for me and I am so happy that I have a platform to come to and share my bookish with people who read just like me. 😊 

I am grateful that the book blogging community is so welcoming and open, and even though I’ve been blogging for almost two years now, everyone is just as nice as they were when I started.

Follower count is just a number but it is so reassuring and inspiring to hit milestones like this and think to myself, “Wow. People are actually enjoying what I put out there.”.

I don’t mean to be sappy but thank you to all of you who have followed me, read my posts, comment on my posts and interact with me! My blogging experience wouldn’t be the same without you and I am excited for all the posts I have coming your way in the future! ❤️ 

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